Jenny Hval

Iedere ochtend om acht uur is het tijd voor Sex, Clips & Rock ‘n Roll. Met vandaag de experimentele popzangeres Jenny Hval en haar clip bij de nieuwe single The Great Undressing, afkomstig van het in het najaar van 2016 verschenen album Blood Bitch. De titel van de song zegt al genoeg. We zien een naakte vrouw in haar dagelijkse routine. Een beetje NSFW dus. De regisseur van de clip zegt er dit over:

I don’t want to overcomplicate the message; it’s my opinion that the audience should interpret this film as it suits them. I will, however, tell you what inspired me to make the film. From an intellectual point of view I was intrigued by what would happen if you watched a naked woman totally ignorant about her own nudity going about a normal day. Would she be perceived as a sexual object? Or would her nakedness and femininity become something ordinary and natural? I have not tried to steer the film in the direction I thought was right, it’s more of an experiment that you should be the judge of. From a spiritual point of view the film explores loneliness and isolation in a world where capitalism and blending in are the two ruling factors.

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