
Clip van de Dag: Her

Elke ochtend om acht uur is het tijd voor een verse Clip van de Dag. Met vandaag de nieuwe single Blossom Roses van de Franse popband Her. En we lazen helaas slecht nieuws van de groep op Facebook:

“In a few words we would like to explain what is happening to us, and more precisely to me, Simon.

I’ve been battling against cancer for a few years now. My family, friends, music and especially the live shows give me strength to overcome the treatments and have some great times.

Unfortunately, due to my illness, I have to refuse certain opportunities. That’s why I’m not in some videos and from now on, won’t be performing all of the shows.

However, we believe we shouldn’t give up and always have hope. So our friend Desmond Myers will replace me when I won’t be able to make it. It allows us to keep on fighting and move on.

Unfortunately, cancer still touches far too many people and some of you are probably affected by it. It’s a difficult experience but I believe we can try to turn it into something positive. We shouldn’t give up or allow fear to dictate to us. We should live, focus on what we can achieve and surround oursleves with our loved ones who help us overcome bad times. Illness can help us take a step back, think of what matters most and keep close by our loved ones.

I’m lucky enough to be able to make a living out of my passion, to travel, create and meet fantastic people. That’s why, as long as I am able to, I will continue to share these moments with you, hoping they bring you as many emotions as they do for me and give you some hope and happiness.

In the meantime, Victor is holding up HER along with our fantastic musicians and entire crew, and I thank them for their bravery.”

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