Clipprimeur: Fil Bo Riva – Go Rilla

De in Berlijn wonende Italiaanse zanger en muzikant Fil Bo Riva brengt op 22 maart 2019 zijn langverwachte debuutalbum Beautiful Sadness uit. Go Rilla is de nieuwe single afkomstig van het album.
Fil Bo Riva is genomineerd voor beste Singer/Songwriter bij de Music Moves Europe Talent Awards (de nieuwe EU prijs die tijdens ESNS zal worden uitgereikt). 
Go Rilla is een dynamisch en typisch indie-pop en indie-rock liedje. Met aanstekelijke elektrische gitaarriffs en een slimme ‘hook’.
Fil Bo Riva over de single Go Rilla:
“I first came up with the idea to the song in Manchester in 2016 while supporting Joan As Police Woman through Europe that winter. It was raining outside and I was in the bathroom just before soundcheck… somehow I started staring at this poster of the club we were playing called Gorilla Club. I don’t know why but I just got a flash inspiration, took my phone out and immediately started singing the chorus melody and words. Everything else developed some time after when I found other lyrics I had written down after a dream… most of these words suited what I had in mind and so it just ended up being what it is now: a song about unbridled passion and the rapturous idea of escaping the real world.”
En Fil Bo Riva over de video:
“I’ve always loved movies from the 60s like „Blow Up“ by Antonioni or „Help!“ by Richard Lester and the whole look of it. But what I loved the most was that little weird mystery behind it and the strange humor that somehow attracts you and you don’t know why. Go Rilla as a song was certainly inspired by the feeling of unbridled passion and the rapturous idea of escaping the real world and I wanted to somehow translate this kind of „other world“ into the video for the song and the album in general. A few weeks ago I got to know Marie, who ended up directing this video, and we got talking… we really liked her past work so we told her about our vision of creating a story concept that would combine more songs. Some of the new tracks actually morph into the other so we tried to created a whole story around it. Soon after we flew to London to record the video and found ourselves in the middle of this huge crew including so many great actors, dancers and some friends. Thank you all! This is gonna be the first part of a continuing story and we hope you’ll love like we do.”
Fil Bo Riva zal in het voorjaar van 2019 weer door Europa touren: