
Clipprimeur: Fortheloveofbass

FortheloveofbassFortheloveofbass is een project van Ivo Schot. Sinds oktober 2015 brengt hij video’s uit waarop hij songwriters uit Nederland begeleid met niks meer dan een basgitaar en wat effectpedalen. Wij laten je eerst nog even de vorige twee video’s van dit waanzinnige project zien, waarvan de eerste met Nina June (eergisteren) en de tweede met Marlon Penn (gisteren). En vandaag, 25 maart hebben we een clipprimeur, dan komt zijn derde video uit met Nienke Lohuis.


As a musician and bass player, my greatest desire is to connect and communicate. In my opinion the best way to do this, is to play a good song. So, I’ve always been slightly envious of piano and guitar players. When a vocalist and instrumentalist perform a song together, there is an intimate connection. And this is something I’ve always wanted. But it has not been enough to make me abandon my main instrument: the bass guitar.

I love the bass in all her might. She is a dirty machine that can rumble, roar, grind, roll, slide and scream. As part of a band, she is the only instrument that has such a major rhythmic and harmonic influence. Being at the bottom puts you in the driver’s seat. This is powerful stuff!

Fortheloveofbass is an answer to all the above. It is the connection between vocalist and instrumentalist. It is the glorification of the low end. But most of all, it is about the challenge of making a good song work with just a bass guitar and an emphasis on the song. Ivo Schot


FortheloveofbassNienke Lohuis (foto Wouter van Uden) is best known for her own band inlakech. I’ve had the pleasure to study music with her together. I’ve seen her develop her talent for singing and writing music up to the point were she is undeniably one of the best performers I know. If you ever get the chance to see her and her band play live, you’re in for a treat.

She is the paradoxal combination of fragility and power wrapped into one person and thus a force to be reckoned with. That’s why i’m so very honoured she was willing to write a song with me for this project. Be sure to check out her band’s website

Here it is the third Fortheloveofbasss video with the amazing Nienke Lohuis (inlakech). I am extra proud because the two of us wrote the song: AIMING esspecially for this project.