Lea Porcelain

Clipprimeur: Lea Porcelain – Rembember

Lea ProcelainLea Porcelain give us a new single, Remember, from their forthcoming full-length debut Hymns To The Night, out June 16th.

Lea Porcelain: “Remember sounds romantic by its first impression – like a song about a distant love, which it is in some way, but only slightly inspired by a woman. It was more like a feeling or a life we’ve been living until then. It is a special track in which the verses sound like they are sung in a complaining voice, directed towards a lover, whereas the chorus itself is influenced by the topic of selling your soul for musical creativity or genius.”

Hymns To The Night was written and recorded over a two year period in Berlin’s Funkhaus, a broadcasting house created under Soviet supervision that now houses the world’s biggest recording studio. The spectrum of the album is extremely wide. Hymns To The Night bends genres, yet every song works together, playing with very different moods. Lea Porcelain describe their sound as ‘atmospheric, cinematic and melancholic’.

Lea Porcelain aim to make universal music; songs people can treasure in day, night, between different states of mind. They want to make music for the entire world, and this partly stems from a globe-trotting past. No matter the genre, range of instruments or sound palette, their presence is unmistakable. Every song is tied together by the duo’s ethos, their free approach towards making music. In the standout moments of their debut, everything spills outwards, drums cascading into the distance, a cross between self-destruction and complete euphoria.

LIVEDATUM 17/05 Paradiso, Amsterdam (Support Mew)