
Primeur: Therapy? met nieuwe single & video Wreck It Like Beckett

Therapy?Zojuist heeft het Noord-Ierse rocktrio Therapy? de nieuwe single & video Wreck It Like Beckett online gezet, de opvolger van de eerste single-video Callow die in mei van dit jaar uitkwam.

Beide nummers staan op het nieuwe (15e) studio-album Cleave dat op 21 september via Marshall Records-ADA/Warner wordt uitgebracht. Het door oudgediende Chris Sheldon geproduceerde Cleave is de opvolger van Disquiet uit 2013.

Foto Therapy? © Patrick Daniel

Wreck It Like Beckett was produced and mixed by long-time collaborator Chris Sheldon (who worked with the band on Troublegum, Semi-Detached and High Anxiety) at Blast Studios in Newcastle and mastered by Christian Wright at Abbey Road Studios.

Frontman Andy Cairns, huge fan of Beckett: “This song originated with our bass player Michael. He told me he had a riff which reminded him of ‘She Watch Channel Zero’ by Public Enemy and he sent me over a bass riff, a guitar riff and a drum beat. I thought the riff was incredible, and so we chopped it up in the rehearsal room, to make it more stop-start, like [classic Therapy? tracks] Knives or Screamager, and that really worked.

Lyrically, it’s about trying to start anew. The reason that [Irish playwright and poet] Samuel Beckett is referenced in the title is that each time Beckett began a new project he used to imagine that he was sitting at a desk and could swipe his arm across the desk to clear away all the sheets of paper so that he could make a fresh start. This is a song that sets the album up as a new chapter for Therapy?.”

LIVEDATA 10/10 Reflektor, Luik (BE) (Sold Out) 11/10 de Kreun, Kortrijk (BE) (Sold Out) 12/10 Podium Victorie, Alkmaar 13/10 Beerland @ Metropool, Hengelo 14/10 TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht 23/10 Het Depot, Leuven(BE) (Sold Out) 23/01/2019 Botanique, Brussel (BE)