Zaterdagmiddag 4 november is het weer zover: de vierde Pinguin Hotspot in Nijmegen! En niet, zoals je misschien verwacht, in een poppodium of in een kroeg. Nee, het wordt livemuziek in een platenzaak, middenin de binnenstad:
De optredens zijn ongeveer tussen 14:30/15:15 en 15:45/16:30. Bovendien kun je tussen de optredens door op meerdere verdiepingen rondkijken in het grote aanbod platen en cd’s.
Entree is natuurlijk gratis, dus kom gezellig langs in de winkel!

Freddie & the Fabs
The ancient Greeks believed 3 was the perfect number. The number of harmony, wisdom, understanding…and Freddie & the Fabs, the first band ever with a personal jingle. Freddie Webber (guitar, vocals), Maarten Iterbeke (bass, vocals) & Lucas Verkuijl (drums, vocals) quickly gained recognition by opening the Rock Op Het Plein festival after winning the preceding rock rally at their first gig ever. With influences ranging from such artists as Theo Katzman to John Martyn over Tom Misch and Red Hot Chili Peppers, each show brings a certain je ne sais quoi to the table.

Poppa Jay & The Holy Rollers
A small family business consisting out of 2 brothers and their cousin. They write about the absurd, aren’t politically correct. And love nothing more than to be on stage sharing their idiocracy through the wall of sound that they consider their music. They have yet to find a genre where they fit in. Their unique sound and variety of genres makes them hard to place. If anything: They make rock music. And they are entertaining. Love it or hate it. One thing is certain. Once you’ve seen ’em you won’t forget ’em.