Penguin Showcases

Penguin Showcases goes online on Streamsonic

Take your spot at Penguin Showcases on Streamsonic!
19 – 20 – 21 – 22 january | on your nearest internet device

The “Place to be” during ESNS is at the (Free) Penguin Showcases at Drie Gezusters, Grote Markt, Groningen. 250 bands, 7 stages, 3 days, tens of thousands of music hungry beasts.
That’s where the magic happens!

Breaking news:
“No” to live ESNS, 19-20-21-22 January.
“Yes” to Pinguinshowcases @ Streamsonic, 19-20-21-22 January.

Live music is the best. Until we can get sweaty, wet and dirty on stage again, we have to keep the spirit alive. Penguin Showcases found a good opportunity with our partner in crime, Streamsonic, as we did last year to handle the cancellation of our live showcase festival: A free showcase festival online where you can discover the future stars.

Streamsonic: 80.000 visitors last year, 800.000 streamstarts

In the past year, over 250 bands contributed their music and live videos. More than 80.000 visitors enjoyed 10 shows each! Big success!

Your act can be part of Penguinshowcases @ Streamsonic!

It’s easy! If you have your video ready, and you are completely sure it’s the best video ever, go to Apply for Streamsonic! We will make the timetable, and you know exact when you will be visible during Streamsonic, 19-20-21-22 January! If you apply you will be broadcasted because you know yourself best what the world needs!

Three steps to world domination:

A: Go to
B: Apply for Streamsonic (Maybe a refresh of your browser is needed for the new update to appear)
C: Take care all your fans will be there when you are broadcasted, 19-20-21 or 22 January!
D: Get used to being a rockstar!

Most important: Do it before the first of January!!!