The Others

Postcards From Mars announces sophomore album ‘ego death’ and releases first single in 5 years ‘The Others’ today.

Five years after the last singles ‘Swallow’ and ‘The Whale’, Postcards From Mars announces his sophomore album ‘ego death’, set to be released May 12, 2023. Bart van Dalen’s new material dives deep into his psyche with a new vulnerability and more urgent sound, opening up a window into his insecurities, bouts of depression and the magical workings of creativity. Cathartically, what is inside comes crawling out.

The first double single of the new album is called ‘The Others’ and is out everywhere today. A-side ‘The Others’ is a forward driven song about comparison, self-will and criticism.

The sound reminds one of Kevin Morby or Cass McCombs. The single also features an adventurous B- side called ‘Himalaya’. Side by side, the two songs give us a sweet inkling of what the full length album might sound like. After a couple years of intensively writing and touring with his other music project Donna Blue, Van Dalen got the restless itch to work on his solo material again.

Together with friend and producer Roy van Rosendaal he set off to finish the collection of songs that will make up the very personal second album ‘ego death’.