Dada’s Troost releases single “Clear Sky”

Dada’s Troost releases “Clear Sky”.

Clear Sky is a song about hope. “While writing, we faced a dark period in our personal lives. Sad events were piling up, we just wanted a clear sky to come”. Musically, the song is an electronic rock song with a strong hook, fierce vocals, and a surprising 90’s alternative bridge. These ingredients make it a one-of-a-kind song which is original and catchy at the same time.

Dada’s Troost is an art-rock trio from the Netherlands, which was formed by vocalist / bassist Pieter van den Berkmortel in 2013. The aim was a bass focused band, and due to the freaky lyrics and heavy bass riffs the band was soon called “The Dutch Primus”. Over the years, the music evolved to a mature blend of electronic / alternative rock and funk rock.

The upcoming album “Becky Stage Ladder” will be released May 17, 2024.

Dada’s Troost releases “Time Of Need”

The single Times of need is the successor to their single Visit From A Friend, which was released March 17th 2023. Where Visit From A Friend was about reflecting on the past, this song is about the here and now. The song describes the short period of bliss when one is clean for a few days.

“It is always a moment of high energy, excitement, creativity and big plans. But on the other hand, there is always the risk and even the acceptance that there will be a relapse” Musically, Times of Need can best be described as an Alt-Rock song with a strong 90’s vibe, mixing electro, rock and funk-rock.

The combination of uplifting composition and dark vocals creates a melancholy atmosphere.

Link to video:

Nieuwe video Dada’s Troost: Florian

Het experimentele cross-over trio Dada’s Troost komt met de single Florian, afkomstig van het eerder dit jaar verschenen maatschappijkritische album De Staat van het Avondland. Het is de opvolger van de in mei verschenen single De Wraak van Kurt Cobain. Florian is een aanklacht tegen de mate waarin Social Media en internet ons leven steeds meer beheersen. Het door Guido Aalbers (Queens of the Stone Age, Live ea) geproduceerde album zette de band op de kaart met lovende recensies in onder andere het Belgische Rock Tribune en Aardschok. Muzikaal is Florian grotendeels in de lijn zoals het eerdere werk van Dada’s Troost: Slappende bassriffs en retestrak drumwerk aangevuld met indie/noise gitaarwerk. Deze stijl leverde hen dan ook al snel de geuzennaam “De Brabantse Primus” op, een compliment.